Friday 30 September 2011

Questionnaire Evaluation

I started off this questionnaire by finding out which age group I was asking questions to because then I could show that my results was not just based on 6th form views, it would be based on the whole schools opinion. I did not interview a teacher because my magazine is meant to make the pupils be interested in school life. I interviewed three year 12’s, one year 11, one year 10, one year 7 and one year 13. I varied the age spread so then I could get an idea of what different ages wanted to see in a school magazine and how this new school magazine could suit them and their needs. I interviewed more year 12’s than any other year group because before this questionnaire was released I had a fair idea that I was going to base my school magazine on 6th form, but I did let all the other year groups have a chance to put in their opinions so I could consider overall what the pupils want.

My second question was finding out the gender of the person filling out my questionnaire because I wanted to see if different genders would answer the questionnaire differently, just to see if they wanted to see different things in the magazine as the opposite gender would, I gave my questionnaire to five men and 2 women, this isn’t exactly evenly spread so some people could say it was biased, but I did give the chance for girls to throw their opinion in and consider their ideas, although the answers the females given throughout the whole questionnaire didn’t exactly differ the males answers. Therefore my magazine will be aimed at both genders in the school.

My third question was asking the person filling out the questionnaire about a preferred masthead they would like to see on the new school magazine cover. I did let all people filling out the questionnaire the freedom to use their own ideas which they would like to put forward to me, this option was available by me placing the answer of ‘Other (please state)’ so I could consider any ideas that were shared. This question had nobody sharing their opinions as everyone chosen answers that were already given to them. It was between ‘KHS’ with three votes and ‘Kings Return’ with four votes. As it was a close vote it was hard to pick between them myself. But I believe ‘KHS’ would be more suitable as ‘Kings Return’ would only really work for coming back into school, and as we would reach mid-term the masthead would have no meaning anymore. So I have decided to have ‘KHS’ as my masthead.

My fourth question was asking the person filling out the questionnaire about a preferred/appropriate slogan for the new school magazine; again I did give the people freedom to use their own ideas which they would like to put forward to me. The option was given to them by one of the answer being ‘other (please state)’ so I could consider everyone ideas just in case they had more creative ones than me. In this question nobody shared their ideas and used the ones which I provided. The most popular ones were ‘too cool for school’ with one vote and ‘teachers out of sight’ with 6 votes. As it was such a difference in votes within the two options, I have decided to go with the pupils opinion and have ‘teachers out of sight’ as my slogan for the new school magazine.

For my fifth question I asked the person filling out my questionnaire weather they would actually read the new school magazine, if the person stated ‘no’ I asked them to ‘state why’ so I could use some constructive criticism to improve the new school magazine. Out of everyone that answered my questionnaire I ended up with a unanimous vote with seven people voting ‘yes’ that they would read the new school magazine, and nobody voting ‘no’ saying they wouldn’t read the school magazine.

For my sixth question I asked about the maximum price that all the students would pay for the new school magazine, I varied the price between 50p-£3+. The majority of people voted on 50p-£1 with 6 votes and one person voted for £1-£2 and nobody was willing to pay £2 or more. Therefore I have concluded that I am going to be selling my school magazine for 50p.

For my seventh question I asked about what articles the students would like to read in the school magazine. Again I gave the people an option to throw in their own opinion to share with me, on this occasion different people shared their own opinion with me and managed to get one of the highest votes. I gave the people an option to choose four different articles, the most popular ones were, ‘sporting success’ with six votes, ‘Exam success ’with five votes, ‘school trips’ with 5 votes and ‘New 6th form canteen’ being stated by five different people as an option added by people filling out the questionnaire. Therefore I am going with the majority vote by using all the options chosen by the pupils.

For my eighth question I asked what image the pupils would like to see on the cover of the school magazine. I gave a majority of options which ranged throughout the school from key stage 3 all the way up to key stage 5. Overall key stage 5 had four votes which won by a majority decision about key stage 2 with one vote and two votes for a 6th form band on the cover. I am going with the majority decision and putting members of key stage 5 on the magazine cover.

For my ninth question I asked the person which colour suits/resembles the school. I asked this because I wanted to know what colour scheme I could use on my cover for the magazine. All the pupils voted for ‘Black’ and ‘Gold’ with seven points each. Therefore I’m going with the majority preference with a black and gold theme.

For my tenth question I asked who the magazine should be aimed at. I did this because I wanted to see if the pupils wanted other articles in there that would interest teachers, parents or maybe the public. But overall the pupils wanted to see articles that would only be aimed at them with seven votes on the option ‘pupils’ and no votes on public, parents/guardians or teachers. I am going to aim my magazine at pupils due to the majority vote.

Questionnaire for school magazine cover

1. Which year group are you in?
  • Year 7
  • Year 8
  • Year 9
  • Year 10
  • Year 11
  • Year 12
  • Year 13

2. Which gender are you?
  • Male
  • Female

3. Which masthead (title) would you recommend for the school magazine?
  • KHS
  • Saved by the bell.
  • Schools back
  • Kings Return
  • VIII
  • Other (please state)

4. Which of the following slogans would you recommend for the school magazine?
  • Too cool for school
  • Teachers out of sight
  • For the pupils
  • Other (please state)

5. Would you read the school magazine?
  • Yes
  • No (state why)

6. How much would you be willing to pay for a school magazine?
  • 50p-£1
  • £1-£2
  • £3+

7. Please tick four of the following articles that you would like to read about in our new school magazine.
  • Sporting success
  • Uniform
  • Exam Success
  • Resources
  • School Trips
  • Other (please state)

8. Which image would you like to see on the cover of the school magazine?
  • Key Stage 3
  • Key stage 4
  • Key stage 5
  • Teachers
  • 6th Form Band

9. Which of the following colours would you say ‘resembles’ KHS?
  • Gold
  • Navy
  • Black
  • Red
  • Green
  • Other (please state)

10. Who do you think should the school magazine be aimed at?
  • Public
  • Teachers
  • Pupils
  • Parents/Guardians