Friday 13 January 2012

Magazine article (first draft)

_(Name of artist)_ is one of the most popular artists which is rising to the top in 2012. He released his debut album over Christmas, ‘__(name of album)__’.This album is said to have the potential to reach number one in both the U.K and the U.S charts. _____ started his career performing in local pubs and as he started to get recognised for his talent, the amount of gigs which he performed at rose, who would of thought that from a childhood dream of having a number one… could become reality as his debut album has sold millions and is still on the rise! His new hit single has a great backing natural acoustic guitar tune, and the lyrics used are clearly outstanding throughout the song! Today we have also interviewed him by asking him a few questions related to his new album, also we found out the TRUE meaning behind the lyrics of his hit new single, ‘_(name of song)_’.

Did you write your entire album on your own?
“Most of it. I did have one big inspiration throughout writing every song, and that was pleasing those who like my music, helping them understand what I’ve been through, I make music for the people, not to please myself. Some songs I did write by myself, and I wrote a little bit with Terry [Balsamo, guitarist] and Tim [McCord, bassist] as well. I now have a studio in my home, that’s where the basis of my album comes from. I would work by myself then email my manager so he could give me other ideas to play with, sort of like a Postal Service method. The song writing and sound is inspired by my personal life and mood relating to the lyrics.”

What is the story behind your new single ‘_(name of song)_’
“There is a personal story behind my lyrics, there are many routes it can take you, because as I stated earlier, I don’t make music for myself, I make it for others, for inspiration to others. People can relate it to their own scenarios… So my personal story was from when I thought I had the girl of my dreams, until I realised that she was never there for when I needed her most. So whilst singing, I was releasing my frustration of how damage can be done blindly behind closed doors without anyone knowing, people can be hurt without anyone knowing. So in my new single, I make a happier side to the story by emphasising that life isn’t all bad if things aren’t going your way, you may be hurt but there’s still some hope! Whilst creating this single, I was hoping others could relate this song to their own stories and see the happier side to every story!”

Do you plan on going on a WORLD tour anytime soon?
“When you just asked me that question it sent shivers down my spine! It’s always been a childhood dream to go on any kind of tour, let alone a world tour! I take that as a massive compliment you even asking me that. As I have released my first album, It is confirmed that I will be going on a rather small UK tour, mainly performing at the big arena’s like the CIA, the O2 etc. but its always been a dream to perform at Wembley, hopefully in some recent years this could come true! But all tickets are on sale, and the tour starts 19th February at the O2 arena, don’t miss out on your tickets!”

Progress on magazine cover (making)

Progress on music magazine (making)

Edited front cover photo

I think that the black and white effect I have used looks very effective with the blurred outlines of the frame. I will be using this photo on my magazine cover.

Chosen photo for main image

I chosen this photo as I believe it can be easily edited to look effective, i will be uploading an edited version soon.

Photo's taken for front cover image

Mission Statement

Price's new magazine ‘Overdose’ is a new kind of music magazine. It’s designed for young males aged 18-28, who specifically enjoy the genre of ‘Indie music'.
'Overdose' is set out to entertain and also inform the readers about, artists/bands,fashion, drink, gigs and also reviews of concerts, albums etc. ‘Overdose’ takes a light hearted but also an intelligent view of different ideas within the music industry.
'Overdose' will also give the chance for reader interaction, by giving them the chance to write in and give their opinion of the magazine as a whole or focus on different topics. They also let the audience send in questions of their own to ask music artists which they are interviewing. 'Overdose' also allows the reader to enter competitions to win lots of different prizes due to the fact of the indie quizzes, crosswords to keep the readers mind active.