Thursday 15 March 2012

Analysis of double page spread article

I like this magazine article as the contrasting colours stand out with the main image. Limited colour codes used of only red, black and white which are strong contrasting colours and attention grabbing and easy to read. The red could also present her anger at being misrepresented and misinterpreted. This image fits perfectly with the article.
Most of this double page spread is taken up by the image of Lily Allen, who has purposely posed giving eye-contact to the camera; this almost makes the reader think that they are almost interacting not only with a magazine, but with Lily Allen as well.
The look which she has been given with messy hair and heavy black eye-make-up all goes with the article where she is showing that she doesn’t care what people think about her, this reinforces the idea of her being rebellious. The outfit of a plaid baggy shirt is also used effectively as it shows directly which genre this article is being aimed at.
The font used in the head line presents the exact genre just by looking at it. It looks punk-like and almost as if each letter has been cut out from different articles and stuck on, this is a stereotypical article which a punk fan would read.
There’s effective use of bold text with the artists name and is also colour coded so it will stand out for the reader and let the reader know who the article is about. The rest of the text shows how she is being individual.

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