Monday 19 March 2012

Analysis of double page spread article

There's many things which I like and dislike about this double page spread. I like the photo of lady gaga as it has been edited into greyscale which makes the photo look quite old and classy at the same time. I also like the colour scheme for this page as its made  up of black, white and red which I am also using in my article, the colours do tend to blend very well. I also like the large 'L' which takes up the whole page, I have never seen this done before in a magazine article.
Although this magazine looks very appealing and effective, it does have its faults, there doesnt seem to be a title to the article on this double page spread, there is only the artists name 'lady GAGA'. Also there seems to be a lot of text packed onto the one page, where instead to make it more effective they could of just cropped the photo of lady gaga down to leave more room for text.

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