Wednesday 23 November 2011

Analysis of magazine covers I like

I like the design put into this magazine, firstly starting with the masthead behind the band which are in the photo, this is a great effect added to this front cover due to making the band stand out even more to the readers. The main image is a long 5-shot which is very effective as it shows all of the band members ‘bonding’ and smiling as if they are a solid group which is ‘back for good’ and getting along with each other. There are no subsidiary images on this front cover as they want the reader to focus on the main story. The sell lines on this magazine are clear and visible to the readers which are most important. The font chosen for the sale lines seem very effective so they stand out on the magazine for readers to see. I do like the design and layout of this cover because everything on there is clearly visible and not over-lapping one-another. The target audience of this magazine cover are people which are fans of ‘Indie’ music and big fans of ‘Take That’. There are many pull quotes on the front cover of this magazine such as the main story, ‘TAKE THAT’ which then is followed by a big pull line ‘Back for good?’ this quote is a very effective pull quote due to one of their past singles being called ‘Back for Good’ which was sang before they broke-up, and they have used this quote to make the reader think about weather the group will actually stay together this time, and also bring back memories of their old song. The colour scheme on this magazine cover is very effective, the white background of the magazine makes the main image even more effective, and the red and gold themed sale lines is also very effective as they stand out very well and clear to catch the readers eye.

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