Friday 25 November 2011

Music Fan Profile



'Original'? That doesn't mean anything does it?
It sure does to Owain though, sunshine.Owain is very, very fashionable, which means he avoids anything that would make him look as if he thought about being fashionable and following the crowd at all costs! His clothes are very basic and 'normal' which makes his sense of style so great and original.
Such as? Knitted sweatshirts, possibly slim fit jeans, vans trainers, short hair with tufty bits in it. Although his outfit will change the next morning, you can never predict what Owain is going to wear!
Listening to? Garage rock/post-punk revival acts which produce soft-rock like Kings of Leon or Arctic Monkeys.
Wants to be He'd call this a silly question and dismiss it as he wants to be individual, but would be very unlikely to refuse an offer to become a British-based honorary member of the Wu-Tang Clan.
Find Him In the renovated-warehouse 'cultural zone' of any British city by day, strolling through town expecting never to get noticed or sitting in your local bar by night.

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