Tuesday 22 November 2011

Music Magazine Questionnaire

  1. What age group are you in?
  • 11-15       
  • 16-18
  • 19-22
  • 23-26
  • 27+

2.which indie music artist do you prefer?
  • The Killers
  • Coldplay
  • Arctic Monkeys
  • Snow Patrol
  • Ed Sheeran

3.which gender are you?
  • Female
  • Male

4.Which of the following stories would you be more interested in reading in my main story? (Pick four)
  • Artists now
  • Music competition
  • Latest albums and CDs
  • Upcoming artists
  • Concert reviews
  • Bands personal lives
  • Other (please state)

5.What masthead do you like the best?
  • Soundbox
  • Amplitude
  • Uprising
  • INDIEpendent
  • Overdose
  • INDIEvidual
  • Overdrive
  • Other (please state)
6.Which slogan to you prefer out of the following:
  • Feel the beat
  • Let the lyrics take you away
  • Let hallucinations become reality
  • Just press play 
  • Addicted to music
  • Hooked to the chord
  • Other (please state)

7.What colours should the magazine cover be (choose three)
  • White
  • Black
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Pink
  • Purple
  • Green
  • Sepia
  • Brown
  • Other (please state)

8.Would you by a music magazine?
  • Yes
  • No(please state why)

9.How much would you be willing to pay to buy a music magazine?

  • £1-1.50
  • £2-2.50
  • £3-3.50

10.What would you like to see as the main image on the front cover?
  • Band
  • Solo Artist
  • Instruments
  • Other (please state)

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